Taj, JLT
3rd - 5th September 2024
The management of the risks associated with Health, Safety and Environmental HSE, threats to a business is becoming
increasingly complex and as part of any credible global business, needs to be managed by an Executive Team, supported by
the Board of Directors in a consistent, systematic manner. Historical incidents have also shown, that major accident events
can result in consequences beyond what the management envisage, resulting in a situation that escalates beyond the
capacity of the company to recover both Fnancially and reputationally.
The 2010 Deepwater well blow-out accident is an example, whereby the company had to deal with a significant Financial penalty associated with the environmental impact as well as the personnel casualties and reputational damage. During this
three-day course, participants will discover the real HSE challenges that face the Executive Management team and their
sub-ordinate managers and stay within global business developing and operating high hazard facilities in the upstream, mis-stream and downstream oil, gas, petrochemicals and elated business segments. The course will describe the basic
HSSEQ management systems in place for both occupational and process safety hazards and the different aspects requiring
control to ensure risks are controlled to As Low as Is Reasonably Practicable, ALARP through the people, processes and plant
utilized in the business.
Chartered UK Safety Professional, Civil Engineer and Process Safety Specialist With 40+ Years Global Experience in the Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and Construction Industries
Director of Safety for BP International.
Executive and Leadership positions as Vice President HSSEQ for Bumi Armada, Malaysia
Senior Management HSE position as Head of Technical Safety, Risk and Asset Integrity for Dong E&P and Head of Health and Safety for Maersk Oil.
Over 15 years inspecting, auditing and enforcing HSE legislation for the UK Health and Safety Executive and the UK Department of energy , including conducting the Piper A major accident investigation.
Experience in developing international ISO and API technical and HSE standards and the UK Safety Case Regulations.
20+ global experience in training and development of personnel in occupational and Process safety HSE management systems, asset integrity , risk management.
2022 UK CEO of the Year for Safety and Risk Services.
Practical Scenarios
Interactive Brain
Storming Sessions
Real Time and
Universal Case Studies
Market Simulation Exercises
Virtual Presentations
Round Table Discussions
IMPROVE ability to comprehend safety strategies and global safety direction
INTEGRATE risk & hazard reduction methods across the full spectrum of safety elements
UNDERSTAND the critical elements necessary for designing safety into everyday business
GAIN practical risk reduction methods ready for implementation
APPLY techniques in process safety management through practical exercises and industry case studies
MANAGE high-risk working environment
OVERCOME the limitations and blocks to achieving optimal safety performance
PROMOTE business continuity improvement through understanding of safety systems
Corporate HSE Directors, managers and advisors
Operational HSE managers and advisors
Process safety managers and specialists
Asset integrity managers and engineers
Quality assurance managers and quality control inspectors
Maintenance managers and engineers
Corporate HSE audit Personnel
Purchasers of HSE Support Services
Project compliance engineers
Insurance managers to the oil and gas industry
Risk managers
Specialists in oil and gas Finance, due diligence,
Mergers and acquisitions
Business Owners
Session 1 - HSE Management Systems
Elements of HSE Management Systems – The POPMAR model
Key policy documents covering Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality
The Governance triangle of policies, standards, procedures, and guidance.
HSE Golden Rules – company practices and international guidance
The global HSE regulatory framework – risk management using prescriptive versus ALARP
Case Study 1: Piper Alpha – The accident that created the basis of risks being ALARP
Session 2 - Aspects of Environmental Management Systems, EMSs
Current issues for environmental compliance
Building an EMS to align with ISO 14001 requirements.
Dealing with major environmental incidents such as oil spill response
Application of Best Available Techniques, BAT assessments to projects.
Environmental Management and ESG Principles
Case Study 2: Major Environmental oil spill event due to MOC failure – HILO BAY HAWAII
Session 3 - Managing Occupational Health and Injuries
Occupational safety and health hazards, regulations, and standards.
Specific hazards, incidents, and risk controls in the oil industry.
Occupational exposure and health risk assessments.
Epidemic control and management.
Dealing with injury classifications to maintain data accuracy.
Case Study 3: Team breakout – OSHA occupational accidents and classification
Session 4 - Management of Contractor HSE Performance
When/What to Outsource to a Contractor – Energy Institute approach
Developing Project HSE Plans
Evaluation and Selection of Contractors –
IOGP guidelines Managing Contractor HSE Post Contract Award –
Adopting performance incentives – do they work?
Developing Bridging Documents for Project Execution
Control of Work and contractors – incident examples
Case Study 4: Deepwater Horizon – Failures of Leadership and Control of Work
Session 5 - Human Factors in HSE Management Systems
The 12 Essential Elements of an Effective Safety Culture
Leader’s Impact on organizational culture and Human behavior
Human factors engineering, control room/alarm design, and ergonomics.
Why design and construction to industry standards is not the solution without Considering human factors
Case Study 5.1: Formosa Plastics Plant explosion – human errors caused by plant design and operation
Session 6 - Process Safety Management Systems
Process safety leadership – International Best Practices and Auditing
Process safety hazard identification and risk analysis.
US Chemical Safety Board and UK Energy Institute process safety management systems
Conducting process safety incident investigations – why-why event trees and causation factors
Case Study 6: The Flixborough Chemical Plant Explosion – the incident that created the major hazards legislation. Linking asset integrity with process safety
Session 7 - Delivering Human Performance in Operations
Effective use of management visits to improve human performance
Dynamic risk assessments – the Mind-Safe technique
Safety Critical Task Analysis
Resilience through an effective Management of Change, MOC, process
Continuous improvement using the Lessons Learned process.
Case Study 7.1: Undertaking a Safety Critical Task Identification/Analysis for a major oil/gas facility – a working tool to adopt within your company.
Session 8 - Becoming HSE Leaders in Your Company
“Hearts versus Minds” – why actions work but data reporting may not
Personal Versus Process Safety – How Leaders Manage the Different Risks
Process safety leadership visits – execution and content
Avoiding organizational drift and its impact on process safety
Case Study 8: Boeing 737 Max Aircraft crashes – drifting into disaster
Session 9 - Developing high performance in HSE
Senior management HSE visits -requirements and outcomes
HSE metrics for occupational and major accident safety management
Key Metrics for Asset Integrity Management
Principles of High Reliability Organisations
Case Study 9: Failure to learn in organizations – the Texas City refinery explosion
Session 10 - Competency Management and Development Systems
What is competency and capability?
Contents of a competency management standard & ISO Certification
Legislation requirements for competency in the oil/gas industry
Evaluating process safety practical skills during the project and operational phases
Case Study 10.1: Errors of Judgement – Avoiding Cognitive Biases. Case Study 10.2: Competency during Operations – Step Change Video